About the Art From Home Challnge

In March, Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced self isolation for the foreseeable future in the UK to fight the spread of coronavirus.

So, what does that mean exactly for us who live in the UK? Well, basically that means we are not allowed to leave our home (unless for some important basic needs), no gathering more than 2 people, and no more events, public places held/open.

Even though that doesn't mean we have less thing to do, that means that our house (or room, if you live in a student dorm) is pretty much our world for the next couple of weeks. On the one hand, the fact that we will be surrounded by the things we are most familiar with in addition to a limited access to places, to people and to things are quite daunting. On the other hand, this moment gives us an opportunity (and reasons) to maximise our creative mind, reveal new things beyond the daily routine, while at the same time to stay connected with people we care most.

Therefore we'd like to challenge ourselves (and hopefully others) with this little project called: Art From Home Challenge.

It is to re-create the meaning of things/matters in our surroundings that has been familiar to us. See, think and feel as if it's the first time we saw them, with curiosity and excitement. Play with our imagination, innovate stories, free our creative thoughts and boom! You just made art!

Remember to hashtag us in your posts #StayHomeLetsCreate and #AFHChallenge and we will update this blog with a selection of wonderful creative posts as the journey evolves.
