Stay connected

“It almost becomes a platform for accountability for sharing what you are creating. You’re on your own and even if you don’t have the motivation you can see others are home and creating things, not things to compete – everyone’s work is valued – everyone’s creations have their own purpose so I don’t feel judged and I don’t feel like what I have created is less than what someone else has created or someone has done this better and I can’t do it. I like the solidarity in the community that creates together and to be a part of that community. It does brighten my day, it makes me feel like I’m doing something for a purpose whether it is cooking a meal I haven’t cooked before, I baked a cake, or I did my henna on my hands. For me, Stay Home Lets Create motivated me to do it to the best of my ability and to spend more time on it because I know that I want to post a picture of it and to share it. The poem I wrote really encouraged me to think “OK – I want to create something and to create something doesn’t mean I have to physically create something. I don’t have to make something or build something that people can see, I can write something, I can create something that people can read that is emotional.” I am so glad it is a platform I have access to.” Reena. 



Looking out of my window

Painter's Palette
