小さな春、みいつけた Small spring is here

小さな春、みいつけた Small spring is here

20203月、親友のラビット(ここではそう呼ばせてもらうことにする。ラビットのことを彼、彼女という代名詞を使うのはどうもしっくりこない。)とLINEで文通を始めた。ロンドンから急遽一時帰国をして、自宅待機をしていた私は正直、環境の変化についていけてなかった。せっかく苦労して留学したのに思いがけず早く帰国し、家族に頼って生きるしかない状況も嬉しくはなかった。ラビットに久しぶりに電話し、私は友人たちと始めたArt From Homeプロジェクトの一環としてラビットと1日ごとに身の回りにある小さな春・私たちに喜びをもたらしてくれるようなささやかなものをLINEで送り合うことにした。これは3週間のラビットと私のオンライン文通の記録。
私たちは、写真などを送りながら、ポツポツと日常生活やこの状況の中で感じる不安、散歩中に見つけたものや食卓、レシピについて話した。私たちの友情は以前から変わらず深いもので変わりはないと思う。けれど、1日おきの早くもなく、遅すぎもしないこのややゆっくりとした時間の共有は私にある種の安心感を与えてくれた。普段のLINEでは話題にならないような、小さな瞬間(例えば12日にラビットが送ってくれたタンポポの綿毛)に目を向けて話すことはささやかでありながら、私たちの会話に新しい色味を加えてくれた。そして実際に私の生活自体もゆっくりと影響を受けていた。ラビットが送ってくれたワラビの写真を見て、むしょうに旬の野菜が食べたくなった私はスーパーマーケットでアスパラガスを買い、パスタを食べた。ラビットが言った。「いろんな料理のレシピをストックしていると、豊かな気持ちになるよね。」本当にそう。そしてレシピの素敵なところは他の人と共有するとさらに豊かな気持ちになれるところ。このArt From Home Challengeもレシピのようにそれぞれアレンジしてみんなで味わいたい。


Small spring is here

In March 2020, I started an online correspondence with my friend Rabbit. I call my best friend Rabbit here because I am not happy with calling Rabbit him or her. I returned to Tokyo from London in a hurry under the outbreak of COVID-19. I could not adapt to the rapid change of life. To study in London, I made an enormous amount of effort. But now I am in Japan, and I have no choice but to live my parental home. I may be lucky to have a family I ask for help even though I am not happy with it. I called Rabbit after a long time. I invited Rabbit online correspondence as a part of the Art From Home Challenge. We share small springs around us which bring us little happiness and cheer us up. We send images and messages on a day-by-day routine basis. I want to share the 3 weeks record of our online correspondence.
Though sending photos and videos, we had a conversation about our daily life, anxiety under this global crisis, things we found while walking, kitchen, a table dish and recipe. I believe our friendship has been strong, and this activity did not change our bonds of friendship. However, this middle tempo of sharing time scheme makes me feel safe. Small moments like a dandelion fluff start emerging on our correspondence that never talked before on usual chat on WhatsApp or LINE communication APP. Such little moments bring new colours to our conversation. And my actual daily life starts influenced by online correspondence. For example, after receiving the photo of brakes, (A brake is an edible plant. It is in season during the spring. Rabbit picked three brakes while walking and handed Rabbit’s mother for miso soup. But Rabbit found them remained at the kitchen table the next day.) I wanted to eat seasonal vegetables and went to a supermarket and bought asparagus and cooked pasta with asparagus and cream sauce. Rabbit said, “Recipes enrich our heart.” Absolutely. The high point of recipe is that the more we share recipes, the richer we can taste. I would like to enjoy Art Home Challenge like a recipe. Be inventive and share, then taste together.


Day1 Cherry blossoms

DAY2 Japanese pepper trees

DAY3 Fresh

DAY4 Hazy Landscape

DAY5 Spring Snow

DAY6 Camellias

DAY7 Easy Mom

DAY8 April Fool

DAY9 Spring Walk

DAY10 Walking and Brakes

DAY11 Spring on a plate

DAY12 Fluffy

DAY13 Flowers on the street

DAY14 Bamboo shoots etc

DAY15 Merengue

DAY16 A Four-Leaf Clover

DAY17 Holding A Baby

DAY18 Picking Japanese pepper

DAY19 Joy of Waiting

DAY20 A Rock Salt Lamp

DAY21 Stationary Arrangement

Feedback from my friend

I heard that Monica (Monica is Kyoko’s nickname) returned from London. At that time, many countries started lockdown due to SARS-CoV2. I was confused with all the situation and concerned about the difference in counter plans between Japan and foreign countries.  When Monica invited me to try a visual correspondence, I thought “Correspondence on such occasions? Or rather, I am worried about you. You live in Tokyo (Tokyo is the highest risk place in Japan).” On the other hand, I could imagine her feelings and intentions. As we know each other very well, exchanging images and messages started and grew organically.
The small springs”, that we shared on the correspondence had melancholic mood and a kind of freshness. And the small springs also contained vague anxiety we bear through life. It is something special to have someone when you are sad and need to talk. One day, I was hurt by rude words in my job interview.  I spoke about it to her, and the conversation made me feel better. The other day, I talked about honey. My mother had honey for her health. I said, “To be fine, simply tasty is enough.”. She was interested in my perspective, and replied to me, “We don’t need to be always productive and good”. Her reaction also gives me another way to think.  I cannot be satisfied with an only onetime conversation to reflect. We are keeping interests in everyday life and paying attention to each other. These acts help us to get out of anxiety and affords pleasure. We warm up small springs and enjoyed them. Even we live in long-distance places, and we have rainy days from time to time, we are basking in the sun together online.
