Book reading followed by drawing

Halo besok aku mau IG live baca buku anak lagi. Bukunya kali ini berjudul Elpa Bilang Maaf karya Watik Ideo, ilustrasi oleh Dion MBD. Setelah dengar cerita kita akan gambar gajah bersama Ibu Vina @valvinapuspita . Siapkan kertas dan pensil ya. Sampai besok jam 4 sore WIB! 🤗 #readaloud #literasidirumahaja #StayHomeLetsCreate

Hello tomorrow I want IG to live reading children's books again. This time the book is titled Elpa Bilang Maaf by Watik Ideo, illustrated by Dion MBD. After hearing the story we will draw an elephant with Mrs. Vina @valvinapuspita. Prepare paper and pencil. See you tomorrow at 4 p.m. WIB! 🤗 #readaloud #literasidirumahaja #StayHomeLetsCreate
