This is the work of Lala and Mama

 Ikut free online class di instagramnya @pustakakelana , dan ada tutor jauhh yaa kak @valvinapuspita 😍😍. .Ini karya Lala dan Mama.. sekarang jadi tahu gimana bikin buku-buku keceh mewarnai itu yaaa 😍😍. . Let’s #stayhomeletscreate moms!!!! #doodle #doodling #journal #artjournal #drawing #happy #happiness
Join the free online class on instagram @pustakakelana, and there are tutors who are far away @valvinapuspita 😍😍. .This is the work of Lala and Mama ... now I know how to make coloring books, huh ya. . Let's #stayhomeletscreate moms !!!! #doodle #doodling #journal #artjournal #drawing #happy #happiness
